Back in dreary, wet England. Sigh. And straight back to work.
I have a new comic strip to finish, then it's on to a host of new projects.
Next up is a sketch book for the art house co-op sketch book project.
Then working some more on my documentary.
Then some new pieces for an exhibition in January.
A lot of people have been asking when the next issue of Monstrum will come out. I predict sometime towards the end of 2011. The next issue is huge and I'll be working with a specialist consultant to make the science stuff more sciencey. So it's a really big project.
In the meantime, I'm going to start putting more comics up online. Many people visiting my stall at SPX were disappointed that I hadn't done a story about lady wrestlers fighting dinosaurs (which is on the cover of 'Tag Team', but doesn't feature inside), and I can't think of any good reason why I haven't done that story. So, that will probably be the next one to go online.
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